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HomeRelationshipShort People Memes: Ideas, Looks, Images

Short People Memes: Ideas, Looks, Images

Memes about short people are hands down the funniest because of the images and the expression used in them. What’s funnier than making fun of your friends who weren’t gifted with good height? Short people memes always get famous and are shared a lot because we have at least one friend in our group who is made of for being short. People ask him for how does the soil smell like on the ground? Short people memes prove the struggle that short people face in their life on a day-to-day basis. These memes are here to support us during our awkward puberty years.

The Impact & Spread Of Short People Memes

Memes on short people have made a huge impact in the world. Even being short can be cool now because of the memes. Sending a short people joke to your short best friend is really satisfying for some reason. Reddit even has a page or their own subreddit for short people (it’s eligibility criteria is that you should be below 5 feet and 5 inches). On this page / sub, people post the best short people memes and it has many members. This sub also acts as a support to short people who are shut down because of their size. To be fair, short people memes don’t only make fun of short people but also supports them in some cases and boosts their confidence. There are many memes out there which is a joke but also says how being short is an advantage.

The Best Short People Memes Out There

  • Short people in the pool be like: seals with only their head above water.
  • When someone under 5 feet and 3 inches gets angry they look super duper cute.
  • When short people climb the shelf of a grocery store just because the corn flakes are on the top.
  • When google says that short people won’t go to heaven.
  • Short people issue: when you lower the car’s sun visor but the rays reach you anyways.
  • Short people argue so much because they are unable and not tall enough to see the point.
  • When someone short says – I’ll be with you shortly.
  • When you finally go to the bathroom to redo your make up but you can only see your forehead in the mirror.
  • When you are short and ask a tall person – hey how’s the weather up there?
Short People Memes

Why Are Memes Beneficial?

Since covid, people have been facing toughest times of their lives. Some people lost someone important, some people lost themselves. Even now, some people 2 years later are still stressed and are living with anxiety. Not just stressed from the pandemic but their own personal problems. Memes can act as an escape to all your issues.

Short People Memes
A touch of Short People Memes

It is true that memes cannot replace professional therapy, they can act as a source of your happiness and laughter. Due to various problems, people forget to smile, forget to live a little. Memes allow us to do that. They are our true friends in need.

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